
Solution:Makingthegamevisibletopublicinsteadprivateorfriendsfixedtheissue.Thatisnotafix,wecan'tgettheprivateserverto ...,ItisalsopossibleyourISPismuckingwithNATing,andyoumaybedoubleNAT-ed,andnothingyoudowillsolvetheproblemsinmultiplayer-- ...,RestartyourPCandsimplytryagain(bestwaytostarttroubleshootinganyissue).·Unplugyourrouterfor10minutesandplugitbackin.,KnownBugs&Issues.Ifyou'reexperien...

Issue with Multiplayer :: theHunter

Solution: Making the game visible to public instead private or friends fixed the issue. That is not a fix, we can't get the private server to ...

Multiplayer not working :: theHunter

It is also possible your ISP is mucking with NATing, and you may be double NAT-ed, and nothing you do will solve the problems in multiplayer -- ...

I can't join or host a multiplayer game for theHunter

Restart your PC and simply try again (best way to start troubleshooting any issue). · Unplug your router for 10 minutes and plug it back in.


Known Bugs & Issues. If you're experiencing an issue, even if it is listed on this page, please send us a Support request! The more information we have, the ...

Multiplayer Connection Issues | The Hunter Wikia

Make sure your router's firmware is upgraded the latest version. Unplug your router for 10 minutes and plug it back in. Some older routers degrade in ...

Anyone else besides me having problems trying to play multiplayer ...

Anyone else besides me having problems trying to play multiplayer? I keep getting this desync error notification when I get kicked from a game.

My multiplayer is not working I'll log get on and when it ...

My multiplayer is not working I'll log get on and when it gets on the map it freezes and then kicks me off. Anyone know what I can do?

Hey guys. Im having some trouble with the Multiplayer Mode on Xbox.

Every time i join a Multiplayer Session it goes well for about 5-15 minutes. Then outta nowhere the game freezes and i get kicket outta the session with an pop ...

Multiplayer not working on XBOX One? : rtheHunter

EDIT // We found an answer through other forum. This is a known issue and it will probably be fixed by the time they push out the Revontuli ...

Multiplayer Issues & Settings Options

Multiplayer Issues & Settings Options. 5.2K views · 2 years ago ... How Respawns REALLY Work in The Hunter: Call of the Wild. JBizHunts ...